Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa

A multi-stakeholder initiative for more sustainability in the cocoa value chain

The Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (SWISSCO) fosters collaboration between the cocoa and chocolate industry, the public sector, non-governmental organisations, and research institutes. Together, the members of the Cocoa Platform actively engage to improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers, to protect natural resources, and to promote biodiversity in cocoa producing countries. Participation, partnership, and transparency contribute to a sustainable cocoa value chain, for both present and future generations.

About Us

Network and knowledge exchange

The Cocoa Platform facilitates the exchange of knowledge between the members of the association and encourages them to participate in topic-specific working groups together with members of the partner initiatives in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France.


The Cocoa Platform promotes innovative projects by members to improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers and to protect natural resources. The projects are co-financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

International collaboration

The Cocoa Platform contributes to the dialogue with local authorities and organisations in cocoa-growing countries. Thanks to the Swiss government's participation in the association, the platform is in an ideal position to do so.

Reporting and information

The Cocoa Platform collects data on sustainable cocoa imports, coordinates member reporting, conducts member surveys and communicates transparently about successes and challenges.